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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  January 25, 2010 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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the president pitching a new white house plan to help folks hit the hardest. today the president laid out the blueprints at a meeting with the middle class task force. among the ideas, doubling the child care tax credit for families earning less than 85 grand and a cap on student loan payments for big college debts. the president says the most important thing to creating jobs. >> we're going to keep fighting to rebuild our economy so hard work is once again rewarded, wages and incomes are rising and the middle class is again growing. above all we're going to fight to renew the american dream and keep it alive not just in our time but for all time. >> this two days before the president is scheduled to deliver his first state of the union address. the chair calls the agenda a job killer.
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major garrett is live at the white house. is all this about creating jobs, making ends meet or what? >> well it's more about making ends meet, the white house is very hard-pressed to describe how any initiatives you just summarized would do anything to create new jobs. what it will do if passed is give people in certain categories with certain financial problems, student loans or carrying for a child or dependent more money but that's transferring money around. it doesn't create jobs but the white house knows it must address concerns of middle class folks because of the unique circumstances. they at least want to be responsive to them. >> people are wonder if the white house is hitting the reset button. >> robert gibbs denied it but the unmistake able truth is after six months of prolonged
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emphasis and work from the white house and staff to push healthcare through it's stalled. it may be dead. the white house says it's not but it's stalled. the shift to the economy and jobs is the democrats and congress asking the white house for for months. they that's a reset even if the white house says it isn't. >> every day americans are tightening belts on the budget and we may hear something like that from the federal government, from the president? >> robert gibbs said there will be something along the lines of the president calling for an across the board freeze in discretionary spending, probably not that pronounced. that would be hard to pass in congress but the white house says the president will talk in ways that it says middle class families are having to tighten budgets and belts and we'll understand and sympathize but they always propose those things and congress doesn't go along.
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last year in overall federal spending the president signed the billses and increased it 10% a cut this year, we still had a increase last year. >> no doubt about it. >> this just in, word two top senators are urging the u.s. attorney general eric holder to transfer custody the underwear bomber to the department of the defense -- from the department of defense to military custody. this is the suspect. it comes from senators joe lieberman and susan collins. they want him held as a suspected terrorist not an ordinary criminal. he's accused of trying to blow up a northwest airlines flight on christmas day with a bomb in his pants. kathrine has new information today. >> this letter was sent to the attorney general and also to the top white house advisory on counterterrorism urging the two
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to transfer the alleged christmas day domer from civilian custody to military custody because they believe they did not have enough opportunity to interrogate the suspect and gather information. the letter reads in part though the president said repeatedly we are at war, it does not appear to us the president's words are reflected in the actions of some in the executive branch, including some at the department of justice. what's significant here is that last week, the white house spokesman said they they believt was eric holder who made the decision. now, for his part, the justice department believes important information and intelligence was obtained in the interrogations. >> kathrine on a related topic, what do you hear about the tape reported to be from osama bin laden? >> a senior u.s. official said he believes the latest tape from osama bin laden is really a cry for relevance. in the tape osama bin laden
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tries to wrap his arms around this al qaeda affiliate, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. it's significant because al qaeda proper or bin laden hasn't had a major success and he needs to make himself more relevant and in many ways insert himself into this plot, though not successful. it had a great impact for the network in terms of the publicity it brought to the network. but i think the significant thing is bin laden is trying to insert himself into the operation of another group and the intelligence community does not believe bin laden is calling the shots and that al qaeda and the arabian peninsula is following his marching orders. >> shepard: kathrine, thank you. rescue crews in lebanon are searching for any possible survivors of a commercial jet line crash in the mediterranean sea. it went down minutes after it took off in beirut last night. investigators say ethiopian
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airlines flight 409 caught fire and later hit the water about two miles offshore. so far crews recovered only bodies. 30 bodies total. in all, 90 people were onboard, including the crew and we're told a u.s. navy ship is helping with the search. greg is in london. what's the latest on search efforts? >> it's well into the night in lebanon but the seven for survivors continues. frankly it's not thought any survivors will be found now, shift to go a recovery effort. but an intense one. various navies are involved, including the united states, the 6th fleet, missile destroyer as well as a search and rescue aircraft. mostly on the plane, lebanese, ethiopian. it's not believed americans mr. on the plane but they're
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checking checking checking it out. >> shepard: any idea what caused this. >> a guessing game. we're told it was very bad weather, intense thunderstorms and in fact the weather cause is looked at intensely. there was an unverified surveillance video that surfaced showing two flashes, maybe flames, come from the airplane shortly after takeoff. that could be whatever. thunderstorms or terror, sabotage, that is being ruled out though another u.s. official says they can't confirm that. mechanical problems can't be ruled out. the aircraft is a 737-800, a good safety record over the past several decades but in the last two years, there's been three crashes. >> shepard: greg, thank you. it's been an all of day in baghdad. three bomb blasts targeting hotels. this as the government announces it executed chemical ali.
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first the blast, we're told all three explosions happened within 15 minutes of each other at or mere popular hotels of western tourists. the first bomb went off in a car park or parking garage used by the sheridan hotel. what are we in london? it toppled walls and two more explosions struck near babylon and al whombri hotels. nobody has claimed responsibility we know of but the attacks come on the same day the iraqi government confirmed saddam hussein cousin -- he didn't have a husband, his cousin was hanged. his death a week after he was convicted for an attack that killed more than 5,000 kurds back in 1988. a positive outcome to a story from haiti a week ago.
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we were we reported live from an overage. jonathan hunt did. where dozens of children were in need. live on the program a new york couple was able to see the two orphans they adopted for the first time since the quake. today brand-new details when "studio b" is back in just 60 seconds. tiff joints to feel bet? one pack. 6 days. that's elations. new elations. clinically proven to improve joint comfort... in as little as six days. drinking it every day keeps it working. elations has clinically proven levels... of glucosamine and chondroitin, in a powerful form that's more absorbable... than joint supplement pills. tastes great. goodbye, horse pills. start your joints on the road to comfort... in one pack, six days. that's elations. the new standard in joint health.
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>> shepard: the update on a story we brought you last week, the crisis in haiti bringing many adoptions to a standstill. good news, the u.s. government flew 79 parents to finished the adoption process. we pro filed two kids on "studio b." remember johnny and marie in new york state who spent the last year and a half trying to adopt them. they were at the very final stages. last week they saw the kids for the first time since the quake. >> i want to look at the kids. i just want to get them home before they get more traumatized from the things they've been
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going through. the longerthy say, the harder it will be. she was waving. the harder it will be to make the transition. >> that was the daveys on the left. after a miserable few days, they were reunited. we invitedded the family to join us but they're traveling back to new york. laura is tracking their progress. >> they're exhausted but elated. the daveys along with so many other families were told to hustle up and get to the airport in orlando to wait for their children to arrive from haiti. they did at 1:00 on saturday. saturday afternoon. they didn't get to hold their kids until 1:00 a.m. today. 36 hours. a lot of people asked why it took so long. the u.s. health and human services personnel needed to go through some reinterviewing,
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reback ground checking but all this work was done and they want today make sure extra sure everybody was checked out. that is what took so long. >> was that the miami airport? >> orlando-sanford international airport zo that's the one outside orlando toward the east. from there a lot of these kids from the overage went to colorado. why so? >> here's the thing. 79 kids come in and then a chunk of them go to colorado. most of those kids on that first batch were in what is considered category one status, adoptions that pretty much all the paperwork was complete before the earthquake. the davies were in category 2, almost done but told to show up at the airport by the adoption agency. and they would be okay. some category -- some of the category 2 kids left for colorado but there was a change of guard with the u.s. health and human services personnel at the orlando airport and everything came to a standstill.
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florida stay lawmakers got involved, constituents showed up saying what is going on. we're watching and want to make sure there's not a problem. at one time the human and health services personnel said we'll have to bus the kids taphouse irhomes until we figure it out. >> now broader story, no more haitian orphans come to go to u.s. for the time being, what's the reasoning? >> the prime minister in haiti is saying absolutely not one more orphan is leaving because there's a lot concern about child trafficking going on and all the records of course, so many have been destroyed. he wants to review the cases one by one. so the daveys, while it was frustrating for parents, they were lucky because now it's at a standstill. >> i read a lot of people if haiti who lived through this are like we don't want to use our youngest, our best and brightest, to lead us into the
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next chapter. >> absolutely. >> i'm glad they're together. >> we'll bring you more pictures when they get home. >> we'll talk to them soon. i know we will. >> just released documents shed new light on the billions of dollars in taxpayer bailout money for aig. american international group. why did federal attorneys argue the details were comparable to a matter of national security? were they really? >> judge andrew napolitano has an opinion on this and he'll share it with you next.
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>> shepard: he's one of the obama administration as top money men. the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke but his term ends this month. his nomination for a second term is not guaranteed. the white house and top democrats believe he'll be confirmed. the senate majority leader says a vote will be this week. he helped the nation through one of the toughest financial meltdowns but critics want him out. new questioned to surrounding how much the public knew or should have been known about the government's financial bailout of the insurance giant aig. a bailout paid with billions of
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tax dollars, over and over again. there are new documents out and they indicate the new york federal reserve tried to keep the teal extremely secret. so much so the securities and exchange commission reportedly compared the request to a matter of national security. you'll recall in late 2008, the government bailed out aig and ultimately gave them $170 billion of our money. some congressmen are facing -- raising a red flag. the california republican congressman said today, it has become alarmingly clear public disclosure was the last thing on the minds of government officials. the securities and exchange commission spokesman declined to comment. with us, judge andrew napolitano. it sounds -- if you just casually look at it, it sounds as if they want to do something but don't want anybody to know. >> correct. i read the emails that the
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congressman received and published. anybody could read them. they make it clear lawyers for the new york federal reserve bank, whose chairman and c.e.o. at the time was tim geithner, the tail end of the bush administration, president obama is senator obama, it is lawyers are saying today lawyers for aig, don't list by name every credit for you have and for heavens sakes don't list creditors you intend to may 100 cents on the dollar to, who was that credit for that they didn't want latest listed that would receive 100 cents? goldman sachs. the immediate past chair of goldman sachs, the then treasury secretary. >> his name. >> henry paulson. >> hello. >> who was the then chair of goldman sachs, chairman of the board of the federal reserve. you have an incestuous thing going on. whose rules were violated by no, ma'am revealing the name goldman
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sachs and intention to pay them 100 cents on the dollar? the sec, the securities and exchange commission said if we declare this a matter of national security, we won't have to reveal anything to anyone. so now we learn the government mentality. if we declare it a matter of national security, that will make it a matter of national security and we can keep everything secret. that is not the law in this country. >> shepard: that's extra constitutional at very least. >> it violates the laws they have sworn to uphold. some are intended to allow the public to know where their $170 billion, largest bailout in the history of the world by a government, where their 170 billion is going. the public has the right to know the bangers decided we're going to pay this credit for first and 100 cents on the dollar and this credit for last and 50 cents on the dollar. it's government taxpayer
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dollars. government has the right to know and bureaucrats tried to keep it from us. >> and they did so by neff airous means. >> we did not know goldman sachs was receiving 13 billion-dollar until after the deal went through and goldman sachs reported properlily they were paid the $13 billion. >> what does it mean for all of us and freedoms and liberties in the face of that was the bush administration and now the obama administration. >> we need to be vigilant. people who take a oath to uphold the constitution don't always follow the oath. >> what are snow and lieberman up to, senator snow and liner lieberman. >> they think they can forget about the constitution. the letter says forget about the fact he's been indicted. forget the fact he's got constitutional rights. we don't like the amount of time he was spent with interrogators. yank him out of a federal prison and send him to guantanamo bay and we'll interrogate them. if they could do that to him, they could do it to me if i was
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locked up. simply no provision or no standard tort defense tart to take custody because some senator doesn't like the way he was interrogated. >> which got on a slippery slope with that mess and it keeps getting slippery. >> that's why the fidelity to the constitution by the justice department or the feds are is must or we will lose our freedoms. >> it's not the things we get emails about. they don't much care. they'll care when they get take tone freakin' guantanamo bay. >> haitians are coming to work every day though they've lost their homes and some families. today the story of one american helping them live from port-au-prince. that's next.
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continuing coverage from haiti where one of every nine people in the country has to find a new place to live. hundreds of thousands of people are living on the streets in the capital city of port-au-prince and international aid agency now says it has about a tenth of the tents it needs. as countries around the world send aid, one american company is keeping its business there. we're told many of its workers, despite the fact they lost their homes and families, have shown up for work every day since the quake. business is in port-au-prince and that's where amy kellog joins us live. hello, amy.
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>> hi, shep. we would need an hour to talk about the stories of personal hardship at this factory. the secretary was killed in the earthquake. she went home to buy bread and her husband found her feet sticking out of the grocery store. one man lost ten members of his family but showed up the next day for work. the 100 workers have been coming every day since the earthquake struck and that is because many are supporting not just their immediate families but ex tenned families and entire neighborhoods. it's hard work here at this leather tannery in port-au-prince. the boss here says it's not always easy to do business in haiti because of the bureaucracy but there are a heck of a lot of opportunities for those interested and the haitian work ethic is strong. unemployment was 70 to 80% in the formal sector, a u.s. government estimate, before the earthquake struck. so a lot of people are hungering
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for jobs like these now more than ever. in terms of relief, we know a lot of the aid sent is not getting through to the people who need it. the people at the leather company have been helping workers and people in the area out of their own pockets but set up a fund. if anyone is interested in donating to it, the website is the money goes to the families of people who lost homes or family members. the people running the place have been here several years and know exactly where donations need to go at this point. >> amy kellog. thank you. you can check for developing news through the day from our reporters, producers and techs in in the field. log on to to while there learn about how to help. check out
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for a list of vetted charities. >> we're days way from president obama's state of the union address and the white house is trying to get the message out. what is the president trying to do to rebound from one of the most difficult weeks in office and can he win over angry left wing democrats? analysis in 2 1/2 minutes. ú0ú0o
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>> shepard: president obama today pushing a plan he says will get the american economy back on track. as we reported, one of the moe important aspects of the plan as the president said is job creation. yesterday advisors gave estimates on how many jobs have been created in the last year and not everybody is reading the same memo. i don't know. >> the recovery act saved thousands and thousands of jobs. there are school teachers and firemen and teachers all across our country, policemen who have jobs because of the recovery act. >> last quarter we saw the first positive economic job growth in more than a year largery as a result of the recovery plan that put money back into the economy that saved or created a million and a half jobs. >> a lot of numbers. in addition, david axlerod says the recovery act created more than or saved more than 2 million jobs.
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republicans and come economy assists are saying there's no way to know how many jobs were saved. with us the washington executive editor for the "wall street journal." how do you come up with a number here, gerald? >> i'm in the firmly in the you can't know because nobody knows camp on that one. there's no way to know because essentially everybody's trying to prove a negative, which is to say how bad would things have been if not for the storm systems program n ten years they'll come up with the answer. the point going forward and for this week in particular, shep, is that the word jobs is going to be coming up a lot in the state of the union address wednesday. i suspect you'll hear it over and over because everybody's figured out whatever has gone before, what matters going ahead is job creation. that's where the president's going to convince the nation and congress he's focused. >> you wonder, i wonder if his political detractors who are of the belief all -- most jobs
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should come from the private sector, enough is enough on government jobs, you wonder if they'll be brought under the tent and how he might accomplish that. >> it's an interesting question and what you're seeing now is the president being pulled in two different directions by his party. he's pulled to the left bit liberals who think the problem the democrats have, that they haven't been true enough to a progressive agenda and they would like a jobs bill with more spending programs and they think that's the direction. he's pulled at the same time in the opposite direction to the right by the parties moderates who think the opposite. they think the problem here is that americans sense an overreach in washington ant they want to focus on deaf is sit reduction and a jobs bill that stresses tax cuts. it's fascinating to see which way the president goes. we may not find out but we'll get hints. >> john cornyn, republican of texas, he spoke yesterday and
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"fox news sunday" and talked about people's fears. the people on the right, some people who are afraid. listen to this. >> they were scared about the endless spending and debt they seen coming out of washington the last year. if the white house and democrats didn't get the message they missed the point of what happened in massachusetts. >> shepard: there are a lot of ways to spin this, what happened in massachusetts business and it depends who you're talk about. anybody with a r talks like that, anybody with a d has a different message, where is the truth, somewhere in the middle? >> i don't know. nobody knows for sure because there were ten different messages in massachusetts. everybody has decided we're all pupulist. that's the trend of the moment. what does that mean? we're pupulists who want to push ahead and finish a big healthcare program or pupulist to say want to push back the size of the government. everybody pretends to be a populist. this is a year about deciding what it is angry voters are
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angry about and nobody's got the perfect answer. >> shepard: i'm not sure angry voters know. the question questionnaires, he those who pushed the opinion seemed to tell them it's time to get mad. they got mad but i can't recall if we learned what everybody was mad about. >> healthcare is a perfect example. people are mad at the healthcare system because it doesn't work and costs too much but they're mad about all the proposed solutions as well. so that's probably right. one thing that's clear, and this is true forever in american politics, is if the real unemployment rate is 10% and actual rate is closer to 17%, there are angry people angry at everybody in power, true of wall street, true of congress and democrats as well as republicans though more true of democrats. so yeah, this is an environment that produces anger. >> is certainly is.
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and those that want you angrier are hard at work. gerald, gray to great to see yo. >> the president's state of the union address wednesday night. night after tomorrow. i'll cover or anchor coverage on the fox broadcast network down the dial that day. "studio b" and fox report will be live with guests to sort out what's coming. we've got you covered up and down the platforms. be with us. you've seen the shots of haiti's presidential palace but our first look inside the gate of the presidential palace. that's a first on fox coming up. how a seven-year-old boy used his bicycle to raise more than $150,000 for children in haiti. a little kid. his story in 2 1/2.
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>> shepard: the horror in haiti bringing us stories of generosity, including that of a 7-year-old boy who raised more than $150,000 for a charity helping children who survivedded quake. the kid is charlie simpson. he took donations for a five mile ride around the local park in london. he was inspired because of the coverage inside the tv box. >> i saw the pictures on tv and yes like what happened. >> he actually burst into tears. he just sat on my lap and we had a chat about things he could do
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and how he could go about it. >> $150,000 or about 18 -- 18 pounds. his mother helped him set up a donation page on line. mom can't believe the response, charlie raised nearly $80,000 in one day and the money is still coming. of the government was plagued by corruption and inefficiency during the best of times. now the presidential palace is in ruins and it costs to move to move to a new location. we're seeing how badly damaged the palace is. to say the haitian government is not much better, the palace in haiti's capital port-au-prince is where our senior correspondent rick leventhal joins us. >> hasting police are guarding the compound and weren't letting tv crews onto the grounds we
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talked to the police and with the 82nd airborne we got into the gates to get a first look at the destroyed icon. the grandest structure in a poor nation. like much of port-au-prince, it is passing palace is in ruins. these are it is first pictures of the landmark where the flag is half staff. the stairs are covered in rubble and the are a entrance broken. the air conditioners are silent. concrete pillars bust through railings and curtains flying outside the doors. the plaques on the walls say it took seven years to build the palace. it only took seconds to bring it down. the design was chose anyone 1912 after the former palace was bombed and president killed. an earlier palace was destroyed in a rebel revolt in 1869. the government has relocatedded to a police station across town with the parliament and
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judiciary buildings wrecked. blueprints are a long way off. there are too many other more pressing needs here. shepard, it wasn't just the earthquake that brought that building down. according to engineers, there wasn't enough support, columns or pillars. there were too much open space and the concrete wasn't strong enough so fell more easily than it should have. >> all right. rick, thank you z her family has seen its share of scammed and heartache, now the brother of nancy kerrigan is under arrest for attacking his father. the charges he faces coming up.
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>> shepard: the brother of the famed olympic skater nancy garron faces assault charges after attacking their father, d.a. the elder kerrigan was unresponsive at the family home over the weekend and doctors later pronounced him dead at the hospital. police discovered mark kerrigan in the basement acting belligerent and combative and they used pepper spray. her mother, boyfriend brenda tells a newspaper she believes he tied of a heart attack.
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mark pleaded not guilty, a judge order him held on $10,000 bail. >> joining us the city editor for the boston up in. help us understand why if you're accused of beating your father up and i later died in a hospital you're not charged in connection with the death. >> good question. the case sunday investigation. that's what we're told by the d.a. an autopsy is scheduled for later this afternoon. so they'll know more and maybe something else will happen. >> so they haven't ruled out the possibility of further charges. they just have evidence of this. >> the police report states what they saw, what they know from nancy kerrigan's mother and what the accused told them so the case is open. >> probably what people remember about kerrigan is the blood curdling scream. i hadn't heard about the family in the news. have they been in the news?
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>> she's in the news a lot. she's married, three children, lives in the area. does shows, is still active. still a local celebrity for sure and a noted celebrity in skating circles. >> what about the brother? >> he's had a tough life. according to records he just got out of the house of corrections, a county jail, the parents sued him in march of 2008 wanting to collect $105,000 they said they lost paying his mortgage, credit card bills and buying food for his pets. >> so his family sued him and he's accused of beating his father. >> exactly. >> nobody has heard from nancy kerrigan. >> no, she's been seen at the house. the funeral is this week. so this is another tragedy in her life. >> shepard: has there been a suggestion that the death here could be in some way unrelated to the events that happened
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there at the home? >> according to the police report, which i have in front of me, the police are signaling that one and one equals two. the pushing, shoving and clasping all happened about the same time. they haven't tied it together in a more serious charge. >> doug, from boston. good to talk to you. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> new information on the breaking news we brought to you on friday. the rescue of that dog stuck in the los angeles river, remember that? we're hearing from the firefighter who saved that wayward german shepperd. if the potential owner comes forward, the latest in to 2 1/2 minutes. ♪ that's where i should! coulda got my knowledge on! ♪ ♪
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the florida mother accused of killing her daughter made a tearful appearance in a courtroom today. casey anthony pleaded guilty to check fraud charges. prosecutors say she wrote nearly 700 bucks of bad checks from her former best friend's account. she said this to the court. >> sorry for what i did. i take complete and full responsibility for my actions.
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i would i'd like to apologize to amy. >> she was sentencing today time served in jail and probation if ever released. she's also charged with first-degree murder for the death of her daughter and pleaded not guilty to those charges. >> an amber alert out of the oklahoma, a 7-year-old girl missing an investigators found her mother murdered. this is aja jotson. police think she's with lester hobs, her stepfather. and he's driving asia's mother's car. the girl with is the stepfather, mom is dead and that's the mom's car they're in. a white 1992 toyota pa sayio with oklahoma tags 577bpw. we're told aja has a condition that requires medication every day. her mother was visiting her
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estranged husband, the person of interest, in a small town in oklahoma, geronimo. northwest of oklahoma city near the border. hobs now has just a mustache, not a mustache and goatee, 5'9", 185, consider him armed and dangerous. tim what do we know. >> i have new details, we have a press conference from the bureau of investigation. lester hobs had a court date this morning they missed because he was facing a d.w.i. when he did not show up for the hearing they issued a felony warrant. so a felony warrant for arrest, he's wanted on suspicion of questioning in the woman's death and of course now police think he has the little girl with him. aja jotson. hobs with well-known in the area, a convicted felony
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considered armed an dangerous, authorities are on the look jot. he was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in 2001. he's well-known to authorities and he's considered very armed an dangerous and police want our help putting his picture out. that's the latest and we expect more through the evening. >> thanks a lot tim. >> new information on the dog rescue from the raging los angeles river by firefighters in the helicopter. remember this? if you were not with us friday you missed a scene. we watched as firefighters, a brave firefighter for that matter, plucked a german shepherd from the river. the man holding a dog told the local paper he had no choice but to act afraid a passerby would try to save the dog. the firefighter received a nasty bite or a number of them for his trouble. here's how he described thist this weekend on fox news.
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>> i just -- the dog -- the only thing he was able to bite was my thumb and the very tip is broken. he managed to break the skin. other than that everything is doing well. >> great to hear. the dog, in this case nicknamed vernon is being cared for at a shelter if. owner does not come forward thee pair vernon with hundreds of people who offered to adopt him. no we cannot put you in touch with them. hundreds and hundreds of emails from many of you who watched this rescue unfold friday. >> it's supposed to be used to protect packages from getting damaged in shipping but bubble wrap is most fun when you're popping the bubbles. today a major milestone for bubble wrap. shepard, what are you talking about? i'll tell you after thele aouncr commercial. er for two for just $29.99 at red lobster.
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a woman won a pro bowl are title for the first time ever. 32-year-old kelly lullic or cullic. kulick. she delivered a near perfect performs and defeated the top-seeded bowler in the tournament of champions. the woman walled it unbelievable lamenting there's no sound on the tape. she never thought that she would win a major title. never thought it possible,
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certainly with no noise. she's loved bowling since she was a kid but the quiet lanes are boring. she wrote in her 5th grade yearbook she wanted to become a professional bowl are and now she is. bowling, something to do on your birthday. maybe bubble wrap would like to go there. there's a lot of important stuff going on if the world but it's the 50th anniversary of bubble wrap. the packaging cushion we love to pop, originally designed as wallpaper. yes a bubble wrap cake. it worked best in packaging so a legend was born but bubble wrap is a huge part of the american pop culture. first bubble wrap, happy birthday. bubble wrap. and adam share a birthday. amd adam's 49. bubble wrap is 50. leventhal turned 50 but we sent him to haiti and didn't give him


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